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Mar 11, 2024
Overgangen en overgave
Lief mens, We zitten vol in de tijd van de overgang van het einde van de winter naar het begin van de lente. We bewegen van het loslaten...

Nov 11, 2023
When all seems lost, a conversation on being
When you think all is lost, that is the moment the part of you that keeps trying dies, and you are reborn.

Feb 22, 2022
In het ritme van het kosmologische patroon
Leer over het unieke ritme van het leven, een kosmologisch patroon. Vanuit het lentepunt kun je opeenvolgend alle energieën van het patroon.

Dec 20, 2021
The mechanics of trauma
Learn all about trauma, this strong electromagnetic charge in your field. In this post, the mechanics of trauma revealed.

Apr 30, 2021
Finding equilibrium
In balance, the energy flows endlessly and freely between opposites. Where is your unique equilibrium along the Scorpio-Taurus axis?

Nov 28, 2020
At the threshold of a new age
Life has moved many of us right at the threshold of a new age. This winter solstice, we will be able to step into something entirely new.

Nov 20, 2020
Basics: formless ∞ form
Where did all this form originate? What path has a leaf or grain of sand traveled? Let me explain the basics of creating in form.

Sep 24, 2020
Pivotal points of change
When we zoom out to the patterns of humanity, we can identify eight pivotal points that color the human experience.

Dec 12, 2019
The stories we tell ourselves
We doubt the very existence of our divine nature and are lost in the stories we tell ourselves. How do you wish to demonstrate yourself?

Nov 11, 2019
My story of awakening
Going through my first shift in consciousness, I wished I had stories that I could relate to. So, here I offer my personal story.
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