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What are Riverland Rose Alchemy healing waters or essences?The water remedies of Riverland Rose Alchemy contains information (formless particles, or essence) that are consciously held in water. The essence originates from plants, stones, places, concepts, feelings, or other coherent aspects in All that is. Healing waters are born out of a creative process with vast awareness (= love), water, Elise, and collective consciousness. Water is not merely a potent element or moving medium; it is a vast and intricate conscious being. The essence is consciously held by water. Just like a mirror, the water reflects the essence in all directions. When you take one drop of a healing water, the healing essence in that drop will reverberate throughout the water in your body. The type of healing water determines the effect. Some healing waters soothe the emotional body and feel like a sweet dream of well-being; others are specifically made to dissolve trauma or move out limiting energies.
How can healing waters/essences help in healing spiritual, mental-emotional or physical issues?"Our remedies are great allies on your path towards self-discovery and healing. They are subtle but can facilitate significant shifts towards well-being. When you listen to your body and observe how you respond to the medicine, your intuition and deeper knowing will begin to speak to you more loudly. That, in turn, will help you understand which essences are helpful in a particular moment and how often or long you should use them. When you take a drop of a healing water, the healing essence will ripple through the water in your body. For example, if you immerse your bodies with ripples of the calm essence, you will feel a wave of quietness and safety wash over you. It is like you receive a signal on a profound level to move into that specific state of well-being. The water mirrors the feelings of 'callm' to all of your layers. When you take the healing water repeatedly, the water of your bodies will start to loosen up things that don’t resonate with it. If a vibration or formless information is present in one of those layers, that is not harmonious and does not align with the healing water, it will rise to the surface. If you don’t identify with the things that bubble up and let them be (stay present in the now-moment, breathe, take a walk), the unharmonious will be able to move out. Because trauma, blockages, or contractions are less dense in the more subtle bodies (etheric or mental-emotional body), they often align to well-being more quickly. However, we have seen chronic physical pain shift within a week of taking a custom healing water.
What about dosage? Our guiding principles for using healing waters/essences:Working with our remedies is a very personal and intuitive process. There is no right or wrong. Correct is what your inner knowing tells you to do. Always prioritize the nudges from your intuition over general rules, especially if you have a hard time being in your physical body or are very sensitive. That said, here are some guiding principles for folks that aren’t used to working with essences to start with: * For acute symptoms: add one drop of healing water/essence to a bottle of water. Drink sips throughout the day and before going to bed at night. Do this for one day up to two weeks. * For chronic symptoms/gentle approach: add one drop of healing water/essence to a (small) glass of water and drink a sip or the entire glass 1-to three times a day. For sensitive folks, we would recommend one time in the morning or one in the evening. You can do this for one-four weeks. * The maximum we have seen an essence being effective is a usage of a consecutive time of three months. Take a break and try at another time. * You can use multiple essences at the same time. Still, we recommend using one or two at a maximum. You will feel/understand with more clarity what is happening in your being, and the moving characteristics aren’t overwhelming, so there will be less resistance building up. * In contrast to physical/pharmaceutical medicine, taking more drops of a healing water/essence at one moment in time doesn’t make the effect stronger. One drop will resonate throughout your body just as strong as seven drops will. A more substantial effect can be obtained by increasing the number of times you take a sip of water infused with healing water/essences. * Do not power through. These are deep en transformative remedies. If you trust and embrace what rises in you and allow the sensations of thoughts to bubble through you, they’ll let go of you. We wholeheartedly believe that: the slower you go, the faster you’ll arrive.
When do I stop taking a particular healing water/essence?There are multiple indicators that tell you that you can stop taking the healing water/essence: *When you notice that a particular issue has been resolved. * When taking the remedy doesn’t appeal to you anymore. * When you drop the bottle after taking it for a while (yes, that’s a telltale sign!). * When you forget to take the remedy and keep forgetting. * When suddenly you think of other essences (or plants or stones) and they seem very attractive to you. Switch to those! * After taking the essence for over three months. Take a break; try something else.
How quickly will I start to feel a difference?It’s hard to provide a general rule of thumb about this, as we are all so different and are at a unique moment in our healing process/evolution. Your friend might see immediate results from the healing water/essence, whereas someone else might have to wait two weeks to months. Don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t work as quickly as you wished for. Continue being consistent, focusing on the positive potential of your healing water or essence. Keep taking the remedy until you feel like you no longer need to. Sometimes the healing effect kicks in after using different essences after each other. The healing might take place on a layer that you currently don’t hold any awareness of. When you chose the remedy intuitively, trust that it has worked its magic on you, and in time it will make more sense.
What is the shelf-life of a purchased bottle of healing water/essence?Your purchased bottle is conserved with 15% alcohol by volume to increase shelf life. Alcohol protects against microbial contamination. It's a common preservative used in many water-based remedies and formulas. Because of this alcohol content, the bottle keeps for over 20 years. The essence or healing water is safe to use before the expiration date on the label. We recommend that you store the bottles in a dry, dark, and cool place when you are not using them for a while. Do not touch the dropper with your hands or tongue to ensure the product's safety. If you create a dosage bottle from your purchased bottle with solely water, the dosage bottle is safe to use for 1-2 weeks.
How do I know if I have chosen the right healing water/essence for me?The following indicators tell you that you are on the right track: * The remedy seems very attractive to you. * You feel a response in your thoughts or sensations that is different than ususal. * You feel a response in your thoughts or sensations that feels good or elevating. * When you start taking the remedy, a lot of emotions or triggering thoughts surface. * You feel like you want to drink an entire bottle of the stuff! * The description or theme is precisely what you want to have more of, want to work on, or is the issue you want to move out. * Your inner knowing is guiding your attention towards the remedy.
How do I make a dosage bottle from my purchased stock bottle?Healing waters work at their best if they aren’t mixed with other liquids or preservatives. In a drop of purely water, the medicine radiates at its best with potent clarity. If you purchase a bottle of healing water in the shop, you’ll receive a so-called ‘stock bottle’. The water in this stock bottle is preserved with 15 % alcohol by volume to improve shelf life. To increase this remedy’s potency, it is most beneficial to take a drop of your healing water in a glass of water or, alternatively, take it from a dosage bottle that you make yourself. You can create this by filling an empty and sterilized (glass) dropper bottle with solely water and then adding one drop of the stock bottle. Empty your mind and ask the water with a focused intention to mirror all the information to the new water in the bottle. Let the drop fall in the middle of the water; see or feel it disperse throughout the liquid. Try not to slide the healing water drop along the rim. (if that happens, just take another try). Use spring water or even tap water. Please don’t use structured water. Remember, you really can’t do this wrong. As long as you get one drop of healing water in another bottle of water, you’re good! There you have your dosage bottle! It will keep for 1-2 weeks. You can keep making dosage bottles from your stock bottle. Each stock bottle contains about 200 drops, so that’s the possibility of 200 dosages bottles! But because you can make a new stock bottle from one drop of a stock bottle (see our FAQ), your supply of healing water will never run out!
Can I take the remedy without making a dosage bottle?Yes, you can. I have optimized the water-preservative ratio to make the most effective preserved remedy, without the necessity of taking the extra effort of making a dosage bottle.
Help, my bottle is almost empty! Do I have to buy a new bottle?"You can, but you don’t have to! You can create new healing waters forever using your purchased bottle. Just follow the direction below. Add one drop of the healing water to another dropper bottle filled for 60% with water and preserve it with alcohol. Ensure that the end mixture is 15% alcohol by volume (for example, 60% water mixed with 40% alcohol of a percentage around 38-40). Empty your mind and ask the water to mirror all the essence to the new water in a (glass) bottle with focused intention. Let the drop fall in the middle of the water, then add the preservative. Try not to slide the healing water drop along the rim. (if that happens, just try another time). Please, use spring water or even tap water. Don’t use structured water. There you have another stock bottle! You can use this new bottle to create another dosage bottle of only water with a drop of stock healing water that will last up to two weeks. Don’t worry; you can’t do it wrong. If you do have questions about this, contact me at
Can I make another bottle from the healing water/essence I have purchased?Yes, you can create new healing waters using your purchased bottle. Just follow the direction below. Add one drop of the healing water to another dropper bottle filled 60% with water and preserve it with alcohol. Ensure that the end mixture is around 15% alcohol by volume (for example, 60% water mixed with 40% alcohol of a percentage around 38-40). Empty your mind and ask the water to mirror all the information to the new water in a (glass) bottle with focused intention. Let the drop fall in the middle of the water, then add the preservative. Try not to slide the healing water drop along the rim. (if that happens, just take another try). If you’re preserving with vinegar or glycerine, let the drop fall directly into the liquid. Please, use spring water or even tap water. Don’t use structured water. There you have another stock bottle! You can use this new bottle to create another dosage bottle of only water with a drop of stock healing water that will last up to two weeks. I don’t mind you sharing the healing waters with friends or family. I would appreciate it if you intuitively feel if duplicating the bottle feels in the highest alignment. If you or your family/friends feel called to donate some money when you share healing waters, you can do that at the bottom of the page here.
Do you have an alcohol-free alternative for your healing waters/essences?With healing waters, preferably, the dosage bottle is made without alcohol. The more water content in the drop you take, the better the healing information is transferred. That said, there are multiple options to take in healing waters without alcohol: 1. You can buy a bottle with alcohol from the shop and use one drop of healing water in your own dropper bottle of water (I call this the dosage bottle). If you set the intention for the healing water’s essence to disperse through your bottle, the water will do this. If you don’t want to have any physical alcohol in your water, you can repeat the process until you are okay with the dilution. The essence will stay in the water if you set that intention. A bottle of pure water will have a shelf life of 1-2 weeks. I do not recommend preserving with vinegar or glycerin as there won’t be enough water content to hold the healing aspects. 2. I can transfer the healing water’s essence directly to your water. You can then choose not to preserve the bottle, but you have to keep it refrigerated and refresh your bottle every two weeks. Sterilize a new bottle, add water, and then add one drop of the healing water. I’m sorry, but I haven’t found another usable preservative. Because this option doesn’t seem practical, you can opt to preserve the water with alcohol (preferably 15% alcohol in volume, so 60% water to 40% alcohol of around 38-40% strength) and dilute as I have described in option 1. 3. I can program a quartz crystal, and you can add that to your water. Ask the crystal to transfer the essence to the water and ask the water to hold it for you. It is a viable option, but using water has priority over using this method. If you want this option, please e-mail me at
What alcohol is used?We prefer to use a specific fruit-based Calvados from Normandy (Pays d’Auge, France) to use as a preservative. Apple cider is distilled in a copper kettle, and then the alcohol is ripened for two years in oak-wooden vessels. The alcohol percentage is 40% alc/vol. It is gluten-free.
Are the remedies gluten-free?The alcohol we use is not certified gluten-free, but no grains are used in the making process of the Calvados, so we presume that our remedies are therefore gluten-free.
How do you make custom programmed healing water?The process of making a healing water is challenging to explain in words because it moves beyond the rational mind. I started to play with making flower essences and other vibrational essences to aid in my personal healing. Over time, I followed my inspiration, and with the help of my friend Maja Elsten, I slowly moved to a unique way of making water medicine. Since my profound awakening experience in 2013 (read about it in this blog post), I have the capacity to move into different states of consciousness and be aware of formless dimensions beyond time-space. When I create a healing water, I move beyond my physical person into the heart of All that is with stillness and intention. Pure awareness then works with the water and different constellations of formless particles of love to create a healing water. In essence: love makes these healing waters. Sometimes stones, plants, or other beings want to jump in and be of service. The healing waters aren’t finished creations; the process and embedded information keep unfolding over time.
Can you transfer the energy to my own water/bottle (option conscious transfer)?Yes, of course! The healing waters reside in a dimension beyond space and time. If you choose the option ‘conscious transfer’ in the shop and send me a photo of your water/bottle, I will transfer the essence directly to your water. You can then add alcohol as a preservative (15% alcohol in volume) to prolong shelf life. I do not recommend vinegar or glycerin as there won’t be enough water content to hold the healing aspects.
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