Power - Passion - Prophecy
Pointers to the moving characteristics of this essence:embodiment ~ empowerment ~ connects higher realms with earthly life ~ embracing duality and paradox ~ remembering true power and purpose ~ igniting sensuality, passion and creative fire ~ surrendering to death of the old to make space for birthing the new ~ disengaging from consensus reality ~ seeing illusions and limiting beliefs ~ seeing beyond present timeline ~ seeing highest trajectory ~ traveling timelines ~ womb healing ~ understanding the connection between seemingly separate things.
Datura's message for you:
“I am the great connector, the bridge that brings heaven and earth together. Let me awake you to the space where light and darkness are One. Remember the sweetness of what it feels like to celebrate you and to embrace all parts of your human experience. Allow me to unlock your authentic powers by moving you into radical acceptance of your wild, dark, and passionate self. Let me seduce you to drop the innocent act and ignite the flame of your sensuality and power. Life is waiting for your full divine embodiment, as you and your gifts of beauty are needed Now fiercely. Let me help you increase your courage to shatter the deepest fears that keep you small. I will illuminate the relevant time-lines of your past, present, and future to reveal limiting patterns and open the door to an expanded experience of self.”
Datura flower essence
Dropper bottle of 10 ml, 0.34 fl oz, or conscious transfer to your own water (select option in cart).
This healing water has been made in autumn, under a New Moon in Libra, and a Full Moon in Taurus in the Dutch river landscape.
Ingredients bottled healing water:
Plant spirit (flower) essence of wild purple-flowered Datura stramonium (Solanaceae), 60% spring water, 40% apple Calvados. This remedy contains no physical constituents of the plant, so it is perfectly safe for ingestion.Take one drop in a glass of water and drink before going to sleep at night, or take as your inner knowing guides you.